“Fill Your Schedule With Ideal Clients”
Private Mentoring Program.

How Would It Feel To…
Get out of overwhelm and create the business you’ve been dreaming of = More freedom & time for the important things like family, friends, travel, health & hiking in nature.
Attract all the clients you need. Magnetise & work with ideal clients you love (your soul-aligned clients) & provide your deepest service in the world.
Become more profitable & earn more. You can be a bigger change maker & support causes you care about when you have the tool of money behind you.
Invite divine feminine energy into your business… More intuition. No more burnout. Collaboration. Relationships first. Caring. It means fulfilling our dharma while we love the planet.
Imagine creating a business you love, that feels aligned with your soul and does good in the world!
I believe we’re each here for a reason. We have Dharma we’re meant to fulfil, but we can’t do it while we’re playing small! If your heart craves running a business and being of deep service to others, if you’d love to attract your soul-sligned clients and earn well, you’re in the right place. It’s important for female entrepreneurs to have a voice and plenty of money so that we can begin to heal and love our planet. It’s down to us. The time is now.
This is your invitation to step up and play a bigger game, because the world needs you, now!
“Coaching with Julie has been brilliant! She encourages me to take action which is one of my weaknesses!! She’s helped me see all my strengths that I have and that I can really go for it in terms of building my business! This was actually a massive insight for me, as Julie has helped me see that it’s possible to be running my business right now rather than sometime in the future. Best of all I just signed up my first paying client! Having Julie as a coach really does give you clarity in terms of what you should be focusing on and actually simplifies the process!”
~ Arzoo Arif. London.

Business Mentoring, The Feminine Way
A step-by-Step Process
to Attract All the
Ideal Clients You Need,
+ Activate Your
Feminine Super Powers!
I’m just a girl, who had enough of trying to fit into the “masculine” way of doing business!
For a long time I was super vulnerable about sharing what I’m about to share with you… Until I “owned” it.
I actually built my business around a chronic health condition called endometriosis (which I’ve now healed and put into remission – Yay!). I’m not sharing this with you for sympathy, I’m sharing it because of the valuable business lessons it taught me which can save you time, money and stress! You see, having the condition meant I had to find the FASTEST and most effective ways to get results, because I didn’t have the luxury of the time and energy other “normal” healthy people had.
I didn’t have loads of money to throw into Facebook advertising and lead generation either, so I had to figure out what worked organically. I did however invest in mentoring, which I see as a vital piece to my success (and that of my clients).
You may not have a health condition, but I bet you only have limited time and resources! You need to know what will work NOW to build your business (not tomorrow, next week or maybe sometime in the future).
You need to know how to build a business using effective strategies (I’ve developed them all myself and also my clients have tried them, they’ve been proven to work over and over). However I also learned how to integrate my feminine energy into my business practices, initially because I had to, and then because it just felt so yummy and fun!
Practices like journalling, tuning into our divine feminine intuition, relationship building, collaboration, love, care, sensuality… I found I was having so much fun along the way, as well as getting results, and “Do Business Like a Woman” was born from there.

“I have clients!!
Since initially saying ‘yes’ to the program, I have signed up my 3rd client, and another Discovery Call is booked for next week for another potential client. I’m now in a position where I will very soon be able to drop some of my other work, focus on my new Virtual Assistant business and work from home. So already I am moving towards my vision.
This program is hugely important to me as I know it will help me to create the life and business I want… The client-getting strategies Julie teaches have absolutely worked for me and got me this far.
I’ve been able to grow my email list too, adding an average of 2-3 people to my email list each day using a specific (free) strategy.
I can’t recommend this program highly enough. As well as feeling I’m on the most amazing personal development course ever, I’m learning to nurture my audience, build trust and turn them into paying clients. I’m surprised at the speed in which I’m getting these results, and it feels amazing!
Thank you so much Julie for this golden opportunity to invest in myself.“
Cath Knowlden – Conscious Entrepreneurs Unite
You can have a profitable business you love, without burning out!

I believe there’s a new way to do business, one that honours the divine feminine as well as the divine masculine.
I was tired of seeing beautiful, powerful women trying to ‘squeeze’ themselves into rigid masculine structures because ‘that’s just how business is done’. We’re all individual and we get to decide how to build and run our businesses.
I believe in doing business in a supportive, loving way, where personal achievements and desires meet the higher purpose of loving our planet. One where you’re fully supported and can earn very well, without harming the environment or buying into mindless consumerism.
If you’re like me (and I suspect you are because you’re here) then buying organic food, fair trade clothes made from natural fibres, natural organic makeup and natural cleaning products are all important to you. You like lovely things which make you feel like a woman, and don’t want to sacrifice every luxury, but you’re also unable to bear seeing another animal harmed or sea creature wrapped up in plastic.
You too are seeking a new, better and more loving way to do life and business… Your way!
You see it starts with us, female entrepreneurs, owning our power and then using our influence for good. My experience is you need to earn good money to be able to make the choices that best support who you really are.
If this is you, you’re ready to “do business like a woman”!

Practical Strategies, Combined With Feminine Super Powers = Crazy Results!
What you need most now is a step-by-step process to follow to build your business, tweaked to work for you as an individual, with your next steps laid out. We female entrepreneurs tend to do well when we have clarity around exactly which actions to take next.
It’s a game-changer when you sit down each day knowing exactly what to work on.
I have proven processes for filling your practice with ideal clients, growing your reach, marketing and selling without feeling ‘icky’ and writing email sequences which sell (among other things)… I’ve also learned the importance of adapting these processes to fit you as a unique individual with a unique business and personality. When we find the combination that works for you, it unlocks the results you’ve been striving to create.
Additionally I believe it’s important to do all of this without burning out and sacrificing your health. That’s what doing business like a woman is all about. We get to use our feminine super powers to magnetise clients through our marketing and message, and it’s fun!
A rising tide lifts all boats.

“With Julie’s incredible story telling abilities, she helped me to create copy and grow my list by 700%. Julie is very caring and loving, has excellent attention to detail and is always there to offer a very high level of personalized support.”
~ Milissa Claire
ss What You Get:
- The THRIVE Formula: A proven step-by-step “client getting” system that will fill your practice with ideal clients, tweaked to suit your unique personality and business goals. Once you have this, you can go out any time and get new clients.
- Clarity on your messaging: You’ll identify your niche (who you’re meant to serve) and the specific problem you will solve for them.
- Understand what’s unique about your business, and what would make a potential client buy from you rather than someone else.
- Map out your best OFFER, the one that potential clients will bite your hand off for.
- A marketing system which means you know exactly what to focus on when you sit down to work.
- Clarity on what to talk about in your marketing and how to make it feel yummy.
- Learn how to share your message in a compelling way that allows you to stand out above the noise online and has people want to come closer and buy from you.
- Discover simple ways to build your community which are working now, adding new people every day.
- Receive a format for writing content that has people actually engaging and commenting on what you put out.
- Cutting edge mindset, and soul-set techniques (because it’s not just mindset, it’s who you become in the process of building your biz). The best strategies in the world won’t work without working on these pieces.
- Receive my process to overcome resistance, fear and doubt, every time!
- Kick-ass success habits to support your growth.
- Accountability (a lot of it). It’s vital that you IMPLEMENT. More learning alone won’t help you. Implementing will. Action leads to results. I’ll help keep you on track and accountable.
- Email support between sessions for when you’re stuck. You never have to figure this out by yourself.
- My expertise and my eyes on your business. (I have over 7 years of experience in this field and a previous 12 years in business before that).
- A scared container to connect with your dharma, welcome in the magic and create the life and biz you want. I’ll be your guide.
- Get my easy manifesting process to super-charge your results.
- A tailored business strategy plan and marketing blueprint for your business for the next 6 months, mapping out exactly what needs to happen to achieve your stretch goals.
- Tried and tested recipes to add subscribers to your email list each and every day (so you’ll always have a ‘warm’ pool of people to sell to).
- A formula to write emails that sell.
- Own your value & finally charge your worth (understand where the value in your business really comes from, it has NOTHING to do with your self-worth).
- Receive my exact sales process and scripts. This way of doing sales isn’t pushy and is ethical. It doesn’t feel icky, but it’s super-effective. I typically close around 50% of my sales conversations. You will receive a “pre-sales” process so that the people who show up on the call are already 90% sold on working with you.

The Benefits:
Wave goodbye to overwhelm and procrastination because you know exactly what your next steps are!
Get my proven strategies to get clients – I’ve always had a full client schedule, so do my clients and so can you.
Learn how to work in flow, access your divine feminine super powers and “up-level” every area of your business.
Increase your income and learn how to regulate your cashflow so you always know what’s coming in.
Marketing strategies that feel yummy (otherwise I know from personal experience, you won’t do them when you get busy!)
Re-discover sales in a whole new way. This is about having conversations with friends, not “selling” anyone on anything! The truth (which I didn’t used to want to hear) is that unless you master sales you will struggle in your business. However it IS more than possible to fall in love with sales, take it from one who struggled in this area for the longest time.
Relax and exhale: you will finally be fully supported in creating the business you’ve been dreaming of. No need to be ‘stuck’ on anything alone again.
Have fun along the way, and take the ‘hustle’ out of business.

Your 6 month package includes:
- The THRIVE Formula system for a full schedule of high-paying clients.
- Supporting materials, processes and curriculum.
- 24 x 1 hour coaching calls (one every week for the duration of the program).
- Email support between sessions.
What would it mean to you to create a profitable business you love, with all the clients you need? How would that change your life?
Your Next Step…
This is a FREE call to explore and map out your very next steps in your business. It’s for you if you are feeling stuck in overwhelm, procrastinating and not getting the results you want. It’s also for you if you’re DONE with playing small, you’re ready to attract ideal clients now and are serious about building a business you love.
During this call we’ll cut through the overwhelm and “shiny object syndrome” and explore together exactly what you need to do next to move your business forward in the most powerful way, which can bring results now.
We’ll discuss whether Thrive Now, is the right program for you at this time, and I can answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Remember that only action will bring you results. Not more thinking, analysing or learning.
Are you ready to create the business you’ve always wanted, activate your divine feminine super powers and kick some booty?
This is THE most important thing you can do for your business right now. Don’t delay.
Spaces in the programme are limited (4 remaining at the time of writing) so apply now.