The Do Business Like a Woman Ebook –

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In this ebook I share how I was able to go from working full time at a soul-sucking JOB, to working from home as a freelancer on my own terms. This bought me my freedom, both in terms of my time because I am now in charge of my own schedule, and also in terms of money.

Now I can set my own rates and charge what I am worth.

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits has been the ability to be location independent with my work, allowing me the chance to travel and experience the world.

Later I launched Do Business Like a Woman, with the aim of creating products and services that would help other women to break free too.

In this book I show you how to set up an online business you love, and take you step by step through the process you’ll need to implement from start to finish.

You’ll also get my signature system for creating a freedom based business and lifestyle.

Plus I share insights into the lifestyle of a location independent freelance, including stories of where I’ve travelled, clients I’ve worked with and some of the challenges and highlights.

This book will not only inspire you but also provides the practical steps you need to get your business set up and sign your first clients.

One mistake I see new women entrepreneurs making at the beginning is to over-complicate things.

This just leads to procrastination and overwhelm.

Inside the book I show you that it doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact it can be SIMPLE. I’ll let you know exactly which activities you need to focus on (money making activities and business builders). Plus what you can drop right away to free up your time and energy.

When you get focused you get results.

Another important consideration is that your business needs to be PROFITABLE (so many aren’t despite looking good from the outside). Having experienced both sides of the coin here, I’ll share strategies to profit-proof your business and reduce the risks to your own time and money invested.

You’ll learn about starting as a side hustle and how to quickly build your business so that you can leave your job if you want to. I was able to replace the income from my job within one month of launching and I doubled it by month three.

We’ll also look at how to create your business around your other commitments without burning out.


The ebook will be released soon. You can pre-order your copy using the button below.

Price: £7.99.