Best Spiritual Advice

This is THE BEST spiritual advice I’ve heard for ages!


I read a lot of personal development, business and spiritual books. I think it’s a vital habit to adopt if you want to be successful in life and business.


That means I absorb a lot of information and advice.


Every now and again some advice REALLY POPS out at me and sticks with me.

Do you know what I mean?


Most recently a piece of wisdom came to me through the words of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who was speaking about Jesus.


He said “Do EVERYTHING as though it is an offering to God”. 


He went on to explain the every task, no matter how small or mundane, can be performed as though it is an offering to God (The Universe / Higher Power or whatever you believe).


It was a GAMECHANGER for me!


I began to take real care over EVERYTHING I did, whether it was washing up, working for a client or creating a blog post. And as I did I began to experience PLEASURE with every task I was doing! 


How cool is that. 


It made even the ‘usually boring’ tasks feel special, AND my energy lifted up too.


I hope that this can be as inspiring to you as it was to me!


With Love



PS – Spirituality Tip: If you feel ‘icky’ or uncomfortable about the word ‘God’ as I used to, try switching it up to ‘The Universe’ or ‘A higher power’. If you are an absolute Atheist then try switching it to ‘All that is good in me”. So the sentence would read “Do EVERYTHING as though it’s an offering to everything that is good in me”. (I got that from an Author called Jerrold Mundis).