Step 4 of The Warrioress Framework is create client-magnetic content.

When prospects aren’t seeing the value of your offer they won’t buy or become clients with you. 

This looks like prospects telling you: 

I’d love to work with you but I can’t afford it right now!


It sounds great and it’s just not the right time for me!

Then we tell ourselves stories like:

I don’t have the right people in my audience.


My people don’t like to invest in themselves!

I’ve been there too! 

The TRUTH is, when your prospect sees the value, for themselves, they will pay to work with you. They buy for their reasons, not ours, so our job is to figure out what those reasons are and then communicate how our offers solves their problem. 

It’s all in how we communicate the value.  How to do it? That’s what this video is about.