4. Create: Create Client-Magnetic Content – Powerfully Communicate Your Message & Become a “Must-Have” To Your Prospects
Step 4 of The Warrioress Framework is create client-magnetic content. When prospects aren’t seeing the value of your offer they won’t buy or become clients with you. This looks like prospects telling you: “I’d love to work...
1. Land: Land in Your Power, Claim Your Confidence & Get Visible
I’ve noticed that until people land in their personal power, they really struggle in business. That was certainly the case for me! I struggled to command attention online, to make sales and get enough clients and income. When I had clients I struggled to give...
What To Do When You Feel Behind In Your Biz
Do you ever feel like you’re “behind” in your business? A lot of my clients tell me that they experience this from time to time. Specifically, life happens; the kids need something, their husband’s work schedule changes (& they can’t...
How To Attract Clients Who Are Ready To Work With You
“I don’t have the right people in my audience!” “The people in my audience aren’t ready to make a change/commit/work with me!” Ever feel like that? If you do, you’re not alone. I hear this all the time from clients, coaches...