I was going to write about building a list today, or setting up an automated sales funnel, or something strategic like that… And the truth is, I didn’t feel like it. I wasn’t inspired to create that content today.
Instead, what’s asking to come out and be shared is about ‘giving to yourself‘ and ‘self care‘.
As a business owner it’s easy to neglect self care while you’re building your biz. But making time for yourself can actually be one of the most effective things you can do to fast track the growth of business (along with systems, excellent marketing and select strategies).
Does that sound far fetched to you?
Bear with me… Here’s why you MUST practice self care AND give to yourself on a regular basis.
Ignore self care at your peril…
Avoid giving to yourself and watch your creative juices run dry…
Watch yourself sitting behind your computer, missing out on life and important family / social events. Watch yourself refusing to spend money on new clothes and other items you consider ‘luxury’ purchases (rather than the necessities they really are) because all your money is going towards building your business.
This weekend I decided to make it ‘Give to Myself Weekend’. Here’s what that looked like for me:
I consciously choose that I would spend money and time on myself. Also, I decided NOT to be cheap with myself.
I ordered those new clothes that I’d been craving – Good quality, well made clothes. I booked an appointment to get my hair cut and tended to. I went on a date and let him treat me to lunch. I drank some sparkling wine slowly on a Saturday afternoon. Then I went lingerie shopping to a boutique underwear shop in my local town and I spent a significant amount of money on 2 beautiful new bras with matching briefs.
” It’s amazing what a difference well fitting lingerie makes to a woman – I can’t tell you just how good I feel in my new underwear… And it looks pretty good too 🙂 “

Then I stocked up on my supplements and vitamins – I choose high quality supplements because my health is very important to me.
Finally I went food shopping and stocked my fridge with nourishing, wholesome foods, organic fruit and veg and good quality protein for the week ahead.
Depending on who you are this might all sound pretty normal to you, or it might sound like a luxury splurge.
Here’s the thing – If you know me you know that I’ve spent the last 2 years paying off my debt and building my business.
I’ve lived a very frugal life (apart from I always invest in good food, personal development and my business – do you relate?) and have scrimped and saved wherever possible.
I’m nearly debt free and after over 2 years of living this way… I was beginning to feel like a pauper (and look like one too), I was fed up and I was developing a ‘poverty consciousness’ instead of an ‘abundance consciousness’ because I was depriving myself.
(As an aside – If you’ve struggled with money or have a hard time charging enough you probably tend towards depriving yourself too… Just something to think about).
I think too much deprivation does something to us as women – I believe we NEED to give to ourselves so that we can show up as the biggest and best versions of ourselves in the world.
In my experience once a woman is taken care of she’s well placed to give to others… And this is how we transform the world.
It was definitely time to give to myself again.
I’d like to add that I didn’t go into debt for this – There is NO WAY I’m going backwards after all my hard work to get out of it… Rather I was able to cover these expenses with money I’d earned.
It feels GREAT.
The truth is I cannot tell you how good it feels.
I invite you to consider whether you’ve been giving to yourself.
Have you made self care a priority?
When was the last time you just sat and stared out of your window for a few hours (yes HOURS!!) without feeling the need to get up and DO something (window staring is very therapeutic).
When did you take yourself shopping and buy something lovely (and luxurious) just for you?
If it’s been too long, or worse like me you can’t remember when you last did, then I give you FULL PERMISSION to book some time to do this for yourself and keep your commitment (no wiggling out of it because you’re busy and you ‘just have to work’… )
There’s a time for hard work & focus and there’s a time for self care.
Giving to yourself and self care are part of what it means to ‘do business like a woman’.
As we redefine the way business is done and heal the planet we must lead by example, and that means taking excellent care of ourselves as well as those around us.
Let me know how this all feels to you by leaving a comment below.
Love Julie. X
Related post: What It Means to Do Business Like a Woman
Image courtesy of Rachel Crowe on Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/@_rachaelcrowe
An interesting thought – all the items you discuss for self care isn’t me. I’m not one to purchase clothing (well, briefs and bras, yes) 🙂 I cut my own hair (it probably shows but I really don’t care) I do local thrift and, in general, purchase as little as possible because I’m a bit of a minimalist. Add 3 boys on top of that and hmm, maybe travel?
Got any ideas to help me discover what my ‘self care’ or luxury is when it doesn’t seem to fit the standard?
Hey Dawn. Thanks for the comment.
I think it’s really individual… Start with – What makes you feel good?
It doesn’t have to cost money (although personally I choose to honour myself & give myself energy in that way too), self care could be as simple as a walk in nature, a hot bubble bath, a massage or putting your feet up with a good book.
Yeah for sure travel and experiences work too if they’re your thing! Or great food.
I’m also a bit of a minimalist myself although it may not appear that way from this post – I sold nearly all my clothes when I went travelling 3 years ago and (I cannot believe I’m going to share this) have been wearing the same bra for about 2 years!! (I wash it obviously).
However for me it’s worth spending money on quality clothes that I’ll wear and love. Quality over quantity.
So, let me ask you – How do YOU choose to practice self care and give to yourself in your unique life Dawn?
Would love to hear back from you as I bet there are other people in similar situations to yours.