Sometimes building our businesses can be so demanding, it’s easy to forget that we can have FUN whilst doing it!
But building our businesses CAN be fun, and in my opinion should be fun.
Doing business like a woman means building our businesses from our feminine energy, rather than our masculine energy. So rather than putting our noses to the grindstone, ‘pushing’, slogging or working harder, we’re looking to get in flow, be inspired and create from our feminine intution.
There’s so much to do when you start an online business, or any kind of business, that it can be easy to get sucked into worker harder and harder, instead of working smarter. We can become so embroiled in our ‘to do’ list and daily tasks that we forget to enjoy the process.
Being a feminine energy business woman is all about enjoying the process.
Masculine energy wants to ‘achieve the goal’, get it done, sew it up already… And there’s nothing wrong with that. It can be a very useful energy for setting goals and getting the motivation to get started, or get things done as needed. However, feminine energy is abour being present. Enjoying the NOW. This way of being invites more joy into the proceedings.

What Does Fun Look Like in Your Business?
So what exactly does it look like day to day to experience fun and pleasure whilst building your businesses?
The truth is it could look very different for me than for you.
For me it’s about having the opportunities to work on projects which excite me, with clients I love. It’s about getting to be creative as part of my business and express myself through the things I enjoy, like writing, creating beautiful websites and mentoring women to grow successful, profitable online businesses.
It’s talking & connecting with JV partners, who share my mission and values, so that we can expand our reach and lift the vibes of women business owners all over the globe (because empowering women leads to real change and healing).
It’s also about taking the time out to do things which feel good, like walking and training my dog in the middle of the day. Hiking in nature, doing Yoga and meditation.
I firmly believe that the quality of the energy we bring to our lives and businesses affects our ‘success’. Taking care of ourselves, and prioritising joy feels important. So for me ‘self care’ and honouring my cycle as a woman in business, is also part of it. This has been a challenge for me personally and I still don’t have it ‘perfect’, however these things can also contribute to the daily joy and fun…
It’s a way of being.
I invite you to have fun today while you go about building your biz.
Over to you.
What does FUN look like in your business?
Do you incorporate fun each and every day or do you get lost in the daily hustle and forget to enjoy yourself?
What changes will you make starting TODAY to have more fun and flow in your business?
Leave a comment below!
With Love
PS – If you’ve been dreaming of starting a profitable, fun online business, but you don’t know how to get started, or you have started and you wan’t to grow your business, grab my free guide ‘The Blueprint to Quitting Your Job & Starting an Online Business You Love’. In it you get the 5 steps to freedom, Plus my SUPER SIMPLE 4 step process to starting and growing your online business. Get it below: