I met a very rich man once. I went on a couple of dates with him. He was also very overweight.


He liked me.


He told me that he would help me to make lots of money. He suggested some ideas.


They were good ideas and I could see that if I followed his advice, I would make money. Lots of it.


However they weren’t in alignment for me.


I could hear my soul whispering that this would be a detour.


I listened.


I know what it’s like to have lots of money and to feel empty. I’ve been in that position a few times throughout my life. That’s not what I’m looking for.


So I said ‘thank you’ and ‘no’.


You see to me that man represented a life of over-consumption that was so unhealthy, where making money was prioritised to the exclusion of many other more valuable things, such as health and wellbeing.


What use is a pile of cash and fancy cars if we’re not well physically? If we’re not healthy in body, heart and mind? 


If our bodies are so heavy and toxic, our relationships falling apart and our spiritual wellbeing neglected? It was a wake up call for me… I can see how this easily could have been me, if I made certain choices and prioritised a certain way.


Even if I simply took my eye off the ball, became too ‘unconscious’ and ended up living my life without tuning in to my intuition and higher guidance. It’s easy for things to slip. 


I do want to make money, lots of money… I have many important things I want to do in the world, which need some money. And there’s a way of doing it, which is spirit led. 


And I want to give something to the world – Something unique that only I can offer (just like there is something unique that only you can offer).


I don’t know all the details of what it is yet or how it will work, but I know it’s not what he was offering me.


Health, wellbeing, family, loved ones, friends, travel experiences, feeling good in my body. Those are the things which are important to me…. AND money too, but not only money.


Abundance rather than mindless, harmful consumption and over-work.


That’s my choice.


Please know that I’m not sharing this to be judgmental. I do not intend judge him as a person –


We’re all unique people with challenges and individual paths to walk. I’m sure he is a great person. But the experience I had with him helped me to draw the distinctions about my life, that I’ve shared here.


It’s not about judging people however it IS acceptable to allow our perceptions of others’ choices to help shape our own ultimate choices, as we witness the results they’ve create. 


What about you?


What is in alignment for you to create, be, do, offer?


What contrast do you see ‘out there’ that’s NOT in alignment with your values? Why?


What will set you free? What would you LOVE to do and what would have you feeling excited about life again?


These questions will help you create a life you love.


Julie. x