Do you ever feel like you have “imposter syndrome”?It’s when you feel like a fake and that you’re going to get caught out. The other day a client was talking to me about how she was feeling like this in her new coaching business (I reassured her it’s normal and I still feel like this sometimes too). 

This got me thinking, how often do we hold ourselves back in our businesses because we feel we’re not good enough, not inspiring enough, not qualified enough, not (add your “not enough” feeling here)!

“Not enough” is usually the fear that lies beneath procrastination, not being visible and not showing up in our businesses the way we’ve said we will.

In the Do Business Like a Woman Show today I’m sharing some tips and ideas that work for me, to help you through this and into (imperfect) action.

With Love


P.S. – Have you watched our “no-cost” training on how to get high-paying clients online? Don’t miss out on this business-changing training which will show you how to get clients NOW, without being all over social media, or trying to be someone you’re not. Click here to sign up and get instant access