This was a big pain point for me, I struggled with building my email list for AGES…

You see I needed to build my email list without investing lots of money into FB ads or paid advertising, but none of the ‘traditional’ list building advice was working for me!!

I had “list shame” because here I was, helping other people build up their audiences (through FB ads mainly) yet I had a relatively small email list and nothing I was doing was moving the needle!

I felt like a fraud. I was exasperated, other people seemed to be able to build their lists, why couldn’t I?

What was WRONG with me!

Eventually I did figure it out and today I’m able to add around 3 new subscribers to my email list every day for free (and it takes very little time).

Additionally I have another 2 strategies with have added people to my list whenever I’ve implemented them…

That’s what today’s video is about.

So if you’ve been struggling to build your list, if it’s been stagnant and just hasn’t grown for a while despite your efforts, this is for you.

Love Julie. x