When starting a business, especially one offering services such as a Therapist, Virtual Assistant or Coach, it can be really hard to know what to charge at first. 

I’ve known clients to get stuck on this for weeks if not months, vacillating backwards and forwards about their price, comparing themselves to others in their industry and worrying about what to charge. 

Looking at what others in your niche are charging can often add to the confusion, instead of clarifying things. That’s because you’re looking externally to try to get your price point and it really needs to be an inside job. 

Checking what others are charging can be a useful baseline, a starting point, but after that it’s about what’s right for YOU to charge right now. 

Today’s video will give you a powerful technique to cut through all the confusion. I offer you a way to get in touch with your own inner guidance, which knows what your rate should be. 

You will be able to choose a rate that not only feels right to you, but that your potential clients will be happy to pay. When you feel confident in your rates, that confidence will be passed along to your clients too.