How to Book High-End Clients WITHOUT Being All Over EVERY Social Media Platform, Posting Selfies & Pics of Your Dinner!

🍧 Share Your Gems.

It’s so easy to get drawn into the hype of the latest marketing fad. Or to share posts about ourselves, what WE are doing, feeling, thinking and saying (I’m raising my hand here too). But it’s not about us! It’s about our audience. What THEY are doing, feeling, thinking and saying. (If you don’t know, ask them).

When you share stories, make sure they’re extremely relevant to the people you serve (even if the story is about you, it’s really about them).

“Share your gems” means giving value to your readers/group members/clients/subscribers. Giving value doesn’t only mean “teaching”. It can also mean inspiring, mindset shifting or entertaining. You have expertise and a view-point that others don’t. Share that.

(SECRET SAUCE: When you’re topped up energetically your gems sparkle even more, so make sure that your life outside your biz is FUN. You’ll be more interesting for it my lovely!!)

🍧 Go Super-Narrow On Your Niche

When I work with clients on messaging, which is every single time I start working with a client, I always encourage them to go super-narrow with their niche. They usually think they are already niched. But they’re not niched enough!

I hear people say they’re worried they’ll miss out on people they could help if they narrow their niche. ANNOUNCEMENT (bugles blaring) My friend, it’s a fascinating and true PARADOX of marketing: When you speak to ONE person, you attract many, when you speak to many you attract NONE! Save yourself some time, money and energy, and take this one as gospel from me to you.

🍧 Get Energetically Aligned & COMMIT Your Pants Off!

If you’re not energetically aligned to your goals NOTHING will happen. You can do all the STRATEGY perfectly, and still no results. As demonstrated by me in my first coaching business in 2013/2014, and proven again by the contrasting experience of creating a full schedule of clients within two months when I re-launched the second time around, 4 years ago.

This is why people bang on about “mindset” 🙂 And it IS vitally important (every day, yes it must be part of your routine). AND, for me it’s more than “mindset” it’s “soulset”. It’s about aligning with our soul, our Dharma and the greater universal mind and asking “what do you want me to do?”

When you get energetically aligned to Universal source AND you commit your pants on… Well, TRY IT and just watch what happens!!

🍧 Build Real Relationships.

This is a VITAL key that unlocked success in my business. I’ve had clients who I met at personal development conferences, in programs and business events. These were GREAT clients because they were like me, we had the same interests. I’ve had recommendations from people I’ve worked with that turned into some of my best high-paying clients (and they were easier to sell to because the person recommending me had already done much of the heavy work).

When you put people above everything else, and seek to make real relationships, because you really genuinely care about folks, it makes a huge difference in growing your business (and it feels pretty awesome too). I know right now we’re in lockdown, so instead we get to make these relationships online. You can still have virtual coffees. You can still attend networking events via Zoom.

I will say this though, none of us who are building businesses have hours of spare free-time to waste, so be strategical about which networking events you choose and be protective of your time (it’s one of the the most valuable things you have in your biz, spend it well. (We have an online networking meeting once per month, details in the FB group, just saying 😉 )

🍧 Find Lead Generation Strategies That Actually Work!

To get any clients you need a stream of consistent leads coming into your business. Not just any leads, good quality leads from your super-narrow niche. I have some specific strategies I teach for this. Want to know more? Just ask me.

Once you have your lead sources, you need to work out how to engage them (HINT: share your gems). Remember, I ALWAYS talk about getting focused and choosing JUST 2 client generating strategies. Because if you try to be omnipresent on ALL The social media platforms, doing ALL the marketing strategies ALL the time, well, you’re gonna burn out (it’s a HUGE mistake my lovely, and you can avoid it right now today). So choose your two client-getting strategies now (leave me a comment below and let me know what they are) and master them <3

🍧 Copywriting.

If you’re going to invest in one skill for your biz, make it copywriting. Because it’s the ONE THING, that will have you stand out online above all the “noise” (combined with strong messaging).

I always say “be like marmite.” Not everyone is gonna like you, and the sooner you can be OK with that the sooner your biz will start rocking and dancing (YOUR PEOPLE are going to <3 you though, so SPEAK UP and share your truth).

Learn how to craft great copy. If you’d like me to share my tips let me know (I didn’t want this post to get EVEN longer 🙂 )

🍧 Show Up As Though You Were On Oprah! (But Also Take Excellent Care of Yourself)

When coaches and marketers say “be consistent” I simultaneously want to throw up and appreciate that what they’re saying is truth. There’s no getting around it, consistency is important to build your biz and attract clients. However I’ve learned that being human is just as important.

We’re not machines. Sometimes we have an “off” day, we’re sick or we have extra resistance to push through because our egos want to keep us where we’re at (in our comfort zone).

I also have a chronic health condition, which is healing, and which means I sometimes have to cancel sessions with clients (just occasionally I do my utmost not to). I used to be terrified that my clients would get angry, however I realised that my brand “Do Business Like a Woman” includes self-care in business and honouring our energy and cycles as women. And it had to start with me.

Once I got into my own power and led by example, there were no problems.

In fact I’ve had clients thank me for demonstrating that to them because it gave them permission to look after themselves better. My clients know that I’m committed to them, and also that I want to show up with my best energy to support them. They trust me to do what’s right, and I trust myself.

If I can show up, I do. On normal days I PUSH through all kinds of resistance and “I don’t feel like its” and even some depression at time, to do the things I know will move me forward in my business. If I have a particularly hard day, rather than do nothing I’ll do ONE THING that I know will move me forward. On other days I’m super productive, and do LOTS of things (DISTINCTION: strategical things, not busy work).

So showing IS very important, with a caveat that we are human-beings and must allow for that. When we’re well cared for, we’re juicer, more fun and in flow 🙂

With Love


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