For me and many of my clients ‘selling’ always felt a bit uncomfortable. It felt like forcing something on another person, or ‘taking’ someone’s money.

Until I realised what I’m sharing with you in today’s video.

I have a completely different view of selling and enrolling clients now which has led to a fully booked schedule for the past 3 years (Mentoring clients and as an Online Business Manager).

But this week I got an even deeper insight, which has just been a game-changer for me in how I think about sales.

That’s what I’m going to share with you.

I actually had another sales call yesterday, and enrolled a client on one of my high end packages, so I got to check out how the new insight felt in practice… And it was good.

Watch the video to find out how to sell without feeling icky.

And be sure to get on my email list for more on how to get clients and how to create a profitable online business faster with less hustle.

You can sign up here: (and you’ll get a freebie to help you get more clients right away). 💰😍