The words ‘I am‘ are so powerful. What you choose to say next can define your destiny:

I am…


How often do you tell yourself (in your head)

‘I am so stupid’ or

“I’m so silly’ or

‘I’m so broke’ or

‘I’m tired’ or

‘I am just me’

How many times do you wonder and doubt if you have what it takes to succeed?

Is it any wonder we struggle when we are choosing to define and create our reality, using the powerful, creative words ‘I am‘ followed by something disempowering.

How about we try some different ‘I am’s’ ?

May I suggest:

‘I am beautiful’ or

‘I am loved’ or

‘I am wealth’ or

‘I am abundance’ or

‘I am kind’ or

‘I am tenacious’

Wouldn’t that be more useful self talk?

This isn’t about denying our true feelings in the moment or refusing to be with our darkness, rather this is about choosing powerful words to help shape who we become.

Words carry a vibration, a frequency. Everything is made of energy. Your words impact your experience.

Choose to wield the power of your words carefully.

With Love
