The Video is just here below >>>>


Sales calls…


I still have mixed feelings about the best approach – I used to be a die hard believer in REALLY facilitating the sale (as I learned from sales ‘gurus’).


The idea given was that you were doing the person a favour by ‘helping’ them to buy because they NEEDED your service and without it they’d stay stuck, whether the issue be weight loss, business, money etc… So really you were doing THEM a service by getting them to buy…

BUT, something always felt ‘off’ to me about the process, slightly ‘icky’ and dishonest, and it felt like applying a lot of psychological pressure (just in a sneaky way!)


Since then I’ve totally changed the way I do my ‘sales calls’ (if you can even call them that anymore because they really are just a natural conversation).


Find out what impact it’s made on my business in the video.


Still though, I’m interested to hear your views on it because despite me preferring a more natural sales process, I’ve made some life changing decisions (in a good way) as a result of being ‘pressured’ past my comfort zone on certain sales calls in the past… So you could say that was a huge positive.


So I am not discounting ‘facilitating the sale’ (even that expression feels a bit icky to me) when appropriate.


However I ALSO got into a lot of financial hot water because of WAY overspending after some such sales calls, and have spent the last 2 years paying off debts (NOT in a good way) as a result.


I’ve taken responsibility for that… No one MADE me spend the money (they just ‘facilitated’ me spending it!! 🙂 )


So there is a balance to be found between genuinely being of service and facilitating the sale, and also NOT pushing people from a fear based place, when they really don’t have any business making investments that large.


In the video I share how I do my sales call today.


And I’m curious to know what you think…


Where is the line?


What do you think is in integrity and what isn’t?


How do you feel about making sales calls – Do you follow a ‘system’ or is it a more natural process for you?


How do you feel about receiving sales calls?


Is it purely the individual’s responsibility to know where to draw the line when making a buying decision, or do we as service providers have a responsibility to our fellow humans to be more ethical about who we sell our services to, and HOW we do our sales calls?


Do people make smart decisions about what to buy, or are consumers dumb, frightened creatures who risk staying STUCK (and having a life that SUCKS) and need ‘guiding’ to buy?


Over to you – What do you think? Let me know, I’d love to hear… Leave me a comment below. 


Here’s the video:


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