I’m a bookworm. So I wanted to explore the best books for entrepreneurs.

In my opinion reading regularly is essential for anyone who wants to grow and develop themselves. This is especially true for entrepreneurs and those with small businesses, which they’re looking to grow.

Personal development and business development go hand in hand.

There’s the necessity for us, as entrepreneurs, to learn about marketing and selling; if you have a business or are offering a service, then by default you’re also an entrepreneur; you need to get good at business, selling and marketing.

Those are some pretty hefty topics right there.

Sure, you can take a course, however learning everything you need to know that way can become expensive, and books are a great addition to investing in yourself and your business.

There’s so much to learn.

Luckily, there are also lots of great books for entrepreneurs too! So, let’s dive into the best books for entrepreneurs, my top picks:

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The Best Books for Entrepreneurs – Business Books


The Better Business Book by various authors

I love this little book. It’s a collection of stories, quotes and advice from successful business people and entrepreneurs, from around the globe. The short essays are easy to read and make a great ‘pick me up’ if you’re having a bad day in your business, or you just need an injection of motivation.

The Best Books for Entrepreneurs – Money Books

The Millionaire Masterplan by Roger James Hamilton

I’ve included some money books here, because I’ve learned that getting your finances sorted and having business success go hand in hand.

If you’re a solopreneur or a small business owner and you’re struggling with your personal finances, it puts a lot of pressure on your business to earn money.

That’s not a great position to be in.

Of course one of the main reasons for starting your business might be to earn more money and create financial freedom. \

If this is one of your goals I salute you and you’re going to love these books. 

I’ve discovered that if you have ‘faulty money patterns’ it doesn’t matter how much you earn, somehow you will spend it all! Even when you hit 6-figures you may still find yourself living pay check to pay check.

That’s why I LOVE, love, love Roger Hamilton’s book.

It’s such an empowering money book for entrepreneurs.

If you’ve struggled with money at all, I can’t recommend it highly enough. For me it was a huge paradigm shift and a completely new way of looking at money and finance. This was one of the books that helped me to pay off my debt and get my personal finances in order.


Your Money of Your Life by Vicky Robin

Your Money or Your Life by Vicky Robin is unlike anything I’ve ever read before.

In this book she helps us to explore our relationship to work, time and money, and to look at what working a job really costs us. She delves into how much our excess ‘stuff’ really costs too, in terms of the life energy we have to exchange to earn the money which buys the stuff.

It’s a classic in the personal finance world, for good reason.

Reading it just fuelled the fires for me to quit my job and build up my own business, pronto. To spend my time doing things I love and care about, with people I love and care about. It reiterated to me that our most precious resource is our time.


The Best Marketing Books for Entrepreneurs – Marketing Books


Dot.com Secrets by Russell Brunson

I always recommend this book to my clients. It’s great for anyone who needs to build a sales funnel (and lets face it, at some point in our business journey most of us will)! He shares some amazing tips, as well as a step by step formula for creating that welcome sequence funnel which takes people from subscribers to raving fans and then to clients or customers.

Highly recommended for anyone who’s serious about online business.

It’s also easy to read, in small, digestible segments with cartoon pictures! 🙂

The Best Books for Entrepreneurs – Success Habits 


The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

This engaging book is centred around the power of compounding – In other words the power of our habits and the small actions we take every single day!

It was a total game changer for me and made the difference for me in becoming a successful Freelancer. It helped me to grow my business online, cultivate patience, as well as achieving other, more personal goals.


The Best Books for Entrepreneurs – Soul & Spirit


A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson

This book is especially for all the female entrepreneurs out there.

It’s very near and dear to my heart.

It inspired much of my work around feminine energy, even forming part of the inspiration for my brand and business name.

It also taught me about how to claim my worth as a woman.

It showed me that as a race we’re at an important time where women NEED to step up, embracing our feminine energy so that we can start to bring healing to our world.

It’s time for us to step into our power Sisters. 

I choose to support women to do this by creating online businesses they love, which do good things and important work in our world.

I believe every woman should read this book!


Conversations with God (books 1, 2 & 3)

What can I say about the ‘Conversations with God’ books!

For me they brought into clear focus everything I’d been learning about spirituality, the Universe and the universal laws. In reading these books it finally made sense.

It was like a ‘clicking’ into place of everything I’d heard from other masters and gurus (but hadn’t fully grasped on a soul level).

These are the types of books that once we’ve read them they change us. For me they’ve just made my life and business run more smoothly. More than anything I just feel better. I don’t stress as much and take things in my stride. They show me how to be in flow and how the ‘hard’ stuff is only there to show me to contrast to what I desire.

(Eg: we can’t experience warm if we don’t know what cold is…)

Life doesn’t feel as harsh.

I still have my drive to succeed as an entrepreneur, however there’s less ‘push’ and more ‘flow’.

These are books that I go back to time and time again.

Leave a comment below and share which are your favourite books for entrepreneurs. 

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